absent adj. 1.不在的,缺席的,缺勤的 (opp. present)。 2.缺少的,无。 3.不在意的,茫然的,恍惚的。 He is absent on business. 他因事外出。 to be absent from a friend 和朋友分离。 Long absent soon forgotten. 离久情疏。 an absent air 发呆,茫然,恍惚。 He was absent in his mind then. 当时他心不在焉。 absent treatment 〔美口〕顾客少,卖座少。 be absent from (home, school, office) 不在(家),缺(课),缺(席),缺(勤);缺(工)。 be absent in (Paris) 不在某地而在(巴黎)。 be absent without excuse [leave] 擅自缺席。 in an absent sort of way 心不在焉地,茫然。 vt. 使缺席。 absent oneself from 不在,不到,缺席,缺勤;擅自离开。 adv. -ly 心不在焉地,茫然,心神不定地。
minded adj. 1.有意志的〔用作修饰语〕。 2.想…的〔用作表语,与不定式连用〕。 3.有…之心的,有…精神的,热心…的,关心…的〔构成复合词〕。 He is minded to do so. 他是想这样干的。 small-minded 气量小的。 low-minded 卑鄙的。 feeble-minded 低能的;意志薄弱的。 air-minded 热心航空的。
You is really the typical absent minded professor 你真是典型的心不在焉的教授先生。
No , sir . he is a little absent minded 不,先生,他有时故意拖欠。
We have seen that even when the leaders attain the age of 80 years , even 90 years and become absent minded but still they remain clung to the top rung of the leadership 我们曾看到过当领导人活到80岁,甚至90岁变得思想迟钝时,他们仍保持着最高权力。
This morning , in customs entrance , when vehicles peace the same platoon got up the long team , spot place wriggles to fronti sit in the window position , extremely comfortable , in the vehicle is full is pushing completely the human which goes to work , compares them , i am happyleft the customs , the vehicle stagnated motionless , sunlight from my left front glass injection , in package , i found the small nail clippers , leisurely and carefree prunes my long nail , has that a quarter absent minded , thought is in the peaceful yard , in the courtyard has the dark green flowers and plants , also has the autumn to be slight but the ambiguous wind , the clear clatter tower sound which is listening to the nail pruneswhen sends out , all not likely is places oneself in the environment which this anxiously waited for 今天早上,在关口,车辆和平时一样排起了长龙,一点点地向前蠕动.我坐在窗口的位置,非常舒适,车里满满地挤着上班的人,比起他们,我是幸福的.出了关,车停滞不动了,阳光从我左前方的车窗射入,在包里,我找到小指甲刀,悠闲地一下一下修剪起我长长的指甲,有那么一刻的恍惚,觉得是在安静祥和的小院里,院里有青绿的花草,还有秋天轻微而暧昧的风,听着指甲被修剪时发出的清脆的嗒塔声,呀,一点都不象是置身在这焦急等待的环境里呢